
2021.07.21 Update

Important notice of iruka upper handlepost voluntary recall and replacement program

We have voluntarily decided to recall the upper handlepost of iruka produced during 2019 and 2020 and replace it with an improved handlepost free of charge.


Reason and background

In Japan, several bicycles were discovered to have cracks or signs of cracking in the rotation prevention slit on the right side of the part. Although no serious concern in the strength of the part is expected*, the replacement is being carried out to avoid the possibility of unforeseen risks. No accidents resulting from this problem have been reported at this time.

*No strength or durability problems were found in the strength test of the handle post alone.


Affected products

Bicycles eligible for this recall program are those in which the first two characters of the six-character frame number are the capital alphabetic letters “IC” or “IJ”. Eligibility for the program is not affected by the warranty period (one year from date of purchase). See below for instructions on how to check your frame number.

Replacement process

If your iruka is eligible, please contact your retail outlet and have the replacement work done at the shop. We apologize for the inconvenience. If you are in a remote location or otherwise have difficulty visiting your retail outlet, please consult with the retail outlet. The task of replacing the part with the improved handlepost is estimated to require about 10 minutes’ labor. You will receive an original FUROSHIKI, traditional Japanese wrapping cloth, with the iruka logo as a small gift for your time and generosity at the shop.


It pains us that all of Flippers have been inconvenienced in this way, but we would like to ask for your cooperation with this program.